When Gianluca told us we’d have joined the Cthulhu Fest roster, I didn’t have the usual meh face. Or maybe. Anyway I was happier than usual. I’m a H.P. Lovecraft reader since a lot, but only lately I’m adapting some of his tale to our lyrics.
The first I read was Polaris, and still one of my favorite. Already adapted on our Polaris song (2018).
I’m also trying since a lot to write a lyric in Italian, without success. Words are longer, and weirder to fit into metal music. But I thought this would have been a chance to retry, so we did it, and we played Polaris in Italian at the Cthulhu Fest.

When I write, I usually try to picture feelings and moments. With Polaris I did the same; I didn’t want to tell the story, but only few images: the mission failure, the lost of the dreamland, and its memory.

In vergogna e disperazione
qualche notte grido
e prego le creature
di svegliarmi dal sogno
loro ridono di me
perché ho fallito
(stella) polare
guarda giù
e ammicca, per ricordare.
Click here for the video, and here for the english version from a different live; then some photos from the Cthulhu Fest.
And here it is the English lyrics:
In my shame
And despair
I sometimes
And beg The imps
To wake me
from the dream
They laugh
At me For I have Failed
Polaris Leers down
And winks to remind